Return Policy

We're bummed if you're not 100% satisfied with the items you received, and we gladly accept returns within 30 days of receipt for most items in new condition.

1. Please send email to, indicating the item(s) you would like to return and the reason. We will get back to you within 24 hours. Your patience will be highly appreciated.
2. After our Customer Service team confirm the item can be returned, you will receive return instructions from us, please package up the item(s) to be returned with the original packing.
3. Drop off your package at the local post office.
4. Most returns are processed within 7 business days after we receive your package. We'll issue the refund to your payment account in advance or your PayPal account.

Return Conditions

1. You have 30 days to decide if an item is right for you, if you would like to return or exchange the item please contact us within 30 days of delivery.
2. Returned items must be in their unused condition with the original packing. We do not accept a returned item that has been worn, damaged, washed, or altered in any way.
3. Items with non-returnable marks and free gifts cannot be returned.
4. We do not accept returned items that have been sent back without proper returns requests.
5. Please be sure to double-check your returns before shipping them out. We are not responsible for the return of products.

Return Shipping cost

We do not offer Freight To Collect (FTC) service for the packages returned to us. The returns will be made at your own cost.

Return Address

If you wish to return the items to the nearest return address, please send email to, our customer service representative will get back to you within 24 hours.


Please do not send your return to the address on your package. That is not our return address and will affect the processing of your return.


Once your order has been submitted we will immediately process the order. If you would like to cancel your purchase, we will charge a 6% processing fee. To cancel your order, please contact our Customer Service department at Please ensure you know your order number, your date of purchase.

Cancellations will be processed on the day we receive your cancellation request. Your account you used to purchase your items will be refunded. It may take up to 7 business days from the day your refund was approved.

Contact Information

Have questions about our return policy? Contact us today and we’ll be happy to help.

Tel: (507) 837-0888
Company: Shenzhen Yehong Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 2701C, Building 1, Tower 1, Dachong Business Center (Phase II), 9680 Shennan Avenue, Dachong Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
Opening Hours: MON to FRI: 10:00AM - 6:00PM (GMT + 8)